Logistics Planning2024-05-29T13:24:05+02:00

LPD- Logistics

Logistics Process Design

Large car manufacturers ship more goods in the global supply chain every day than the Internet retail market leader Amazon. The increasing globalization of this supply chain requires continuous optimization and adaptability of all processes, systems, employees and partners involved.

In recent years, the C-P-S Group has specialized in the complex international transport relationships between suppliers, production plants and service providers.

Our services include the planning and optimization of logistics activities before SOP, such as inbound, material flow and transport planning. The focus after SOP is mainly on the restructuring of logistics processes and reactive supplier management. Our portfolio also includes classic outsourcing, e.g. to ensure the availability of materials including the handling of hazardous goods (e.g. batteries).


Your Contacts

CoC-Lead Logistics Process Design (MFL)

Michael Hauser

Otto-Lilienthal- Straße 36
71034 Böblingen

Phone: +49 (0) 151 1801 2163

Detailed list of services

  • Inbound planning (cost assessments, delivery forms, creation of specifications & plausibility checks as well as support of the awarding process, etc.)
  • Material flow planning
  • Transportation planning
  • LDL management
  • Start-up planning & material disposition
  • Dispatch processing & control (containers, customs, hazardous goods, etc.)
  • Change management (evaluation and coordination of component changes)
  • Project management/ SE teamwork
  • Supplier management & trouble shooting
  • Parts list evaluations & clearing
  • Dashboard development (KPI, Power BI)
  • Outsourcing of planning and operational logistics activities

Our Reference Projects

LAP – Logistics

Logistics Automation

Your Contacts

CoC-Lead Logistics Automation (LAP)

Mustafa Ünlüsoy

Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 36
71034 Böblingen

Phone: +49 (0) 7031 71841-61
Mobile: +49 (0) 151 15061902
E-Mail: mustafa.uenluesoy@c-p-s.de

Detailed list of services

  • Conveyor technology planning Material flow / layout planning
  • Inbound – AGVs and truck automation technology
  • Warehouse planning (HRL / AKL)
  • Planning of rack changers and sequencers
  • In-house AGV planning
  • Logistics handling equipment planning

Our Reference Projects

PAP – Logistics

Packaging Planning

Packaging – The Hardware of Logistics

Yes, packaging planning is a part of logistics planning. Many logistics planners put all of their focus on the supply and removal processes. However, the failure of a process can often be attributed to missing or badly planned packaging materials. This can significantly increase the costs at the start of a project. Therefore, C-P-S has made one of its core competencies the optimized planning of load carriers (eg. cardboard boxes, pallets, KLTs) in the pre-series stage of projects.


Your Contacs

CoC-Lead Packaging Planning (PAP)

and CoC- Lead Equipment Design

Ingmar Wunderlich

Leopoldstr. 254
80807 München

Phone: +49 (0) 89 928790-0
Mobile: +49 (0) 15170227426
E-Mail: ingmar.wunderlich@c-p-s.de

Detailed list of services

  • Expendable and Reusable, Goods Baskets
  • Special and Standard
  • Business Case Analysis
  • Analysis of Suppliers
  • Analysis of Producers
  • Construction in CAD
  • The production of prototypes and small scale production

Our Reference Projects

  • C-P-S - Kompetenzfelder - VPL
  • C-P-S - Kompetenzfelder - VPL
  • C-P-S - Kompetenzfelder - VPL
  • C-P-S - Kompetenzfelder - VPL

Packaging Planning

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